

欢迎来到洛杉矶山谷学院. 此网页提供有关停车地点的资料, 停车许可证, 还有学生停车须知, 教师, 工作人员及嘉宾.

The College Sheriff controls all parking lot security and parking citation issuance. 在任何校园停车场停车都必须有停车许可证. 违例停车是根据21113 (a) C执行的.V.C. 请参阅 LAVC泊车及交通规例政策 关于校园内停车及交通的详细规定.

学生停车位要求学生停车许可证随时显示.  There is a two week grace period for the start of the Fall Semester from 8/26/24-9/8/24 for student spaces only.  任何时候使用教职员工空间都需要获得教职员工许可. 


停车 for students is offered at the following locations on campus to vehicles displaying a valid student parking permit:

  • 停车场(2 -4楼)
  • A停车场
  • B停车场
  • D停车场
  • E号停车场
  • F停车场
  • 停车场G
  • 冷水峡谷延伸


停车 for 教师 and staff is available at the following locations on campus to vehicles displaying a valid staff parking permit:

  • 停车场(一楼)
  • A停车场
  • B停车场
  • F停车场
  • 书院北路
  • 书院南道
  • 埃塞尔大道(介乎伯班克大道与哈特拉斯街)


Electric vehicle charging stations on campus are located in the LAVC 停车场 (on the corner of 埃塞尔大道 和哈特拉斯街).

Any electric vehicles parked in an electric charging space must display a valid charging permit and a valid parking permit.



在任何校园停车场停车都必须有停车许可证. 校园内有四种停车许可证: 学生(学期)停车许可证, 每日停车许可证, 教职工停车许可证,及访客泊车证.

Vehicles without a valid parking permit may be issued a parking citation by the College Sheriff.

A semester/session student parking permit can be purchased anytime during the semester from the LAVC商务办事处,或透过网上学生资讯系统查询. 请参阅有关的详细资料 学生停车许可证收费及购买手续.

购买停车许可证并不能保证有停车位, 只有在适当的地段停车的机会,如果空间可用. 请阅读& 学生停车信息 为学生停车场和其他停车相关的信息.

Students who do not wish to purchase a semester/session parking permit have the option to purchase a 每日停车许可证 于停车场A、D及停车场大厦的泊车收费站收费. 请阅读 每日停车许可证资料 如何购买每日许可证.

Students with a valid student parking permit from any of the other LACCD colleges may park in any regular student parking stall using that permit.

每日停车许可证适用于任何学生停车场(地段A, B, C, D, E, 和G, 冷水扩展, 及停车场第2至4层), 并且只在购买之日有效.

A daily 停车 permit can be purchased by visitors and students from a campus parking pay station for $2 (cash only; selected pay stations accept both cash and credit card).


  • A停车场
    • A2付款站只接受现金
    • A1和A3收费站接受现金和信用卡
  • B停车场
    • 收费站B4接受现金和信用卡
  • D停车场
    • 付款站D5只接受现金
    • 付款站D6和D7接受现金和信用卡
  • E号停车场
    • 收费站只接受现金
  • F停车场
    • 收费站只接受现金
  • 停车场G
    • 收银台只接受现金
  • 停车场
    • L1和L4收费站接受信用卡
    • L2和L3支付站接受信用卡

购买停车许可证并不能保证有停车位, 只有在适当的地段停车的机会,如果空间可用. 请阅读 学生停车信息 为学生停车场和其他停车相关的信息.


LAVC 教师 and staff can be issued an employee parking permit from the College Sheriff.

  • 所有使用校园停车的学生都必须购买LAVC停车许可证. 请阅读 停车许可证资料 如何购买停车许可证.

  • 学生停车场用字母标识(a、B、C、D、E、G)。. There is also student parking on the 2nd-4th floors of the 停车场 and along 冷水扩展. (查看LAVC校园地图)

  • Students are not permitted to park in any 教师/staff parking area at any time (书院北路, 书院南道, 埃塞尔大道, 许多H, 停车楼的一层, 或者在任何标有“员工”的学生停车场的摊位上). The College Sheriff will issue parking citations for vehicles parking in staff parking spots without the properly displayed parking permit.

  • 在每学期/学期开始时, all students are given a designated grace period for parking (in the student lots only), 在那里,他们可以注册课程并购买停车许可证. 学生应制定计划,从停车场购买停车许可证 LAVC商务办事处 或购买 每日停车许可证.

    • 在秋季和春季学期, students are given a two-week grace period at the beginning of the semester for parking in any of the student parking areas. 在学期的第三周, 学院治安官将开始在所有停车场写传票.

    • 在夏季和冬季期间, all students are given a one-week grace period at the beginning of the session for parking in any of the student parking areas. 在会议的第二周, 学院治安官将开始在所有停车场写传票.

  • 请阅读 一般停车指引 有关停车限制及规则的资料.

  • There is a designated Access 服务 drop-off/pick up location on campus for disabled students, 访客和客人.

  • 下列是指定的接达服务接落地点:

    • East side of the roundabout at the college's 富尔顿大道 Main Entrance - near 富尔顿大道 和哈特拉斯街. (查看LAVC校园地图)

  • A valid 教师/staff parking permit is required to park in any 教师/staff parking areas on campus.
  • 教职工停车场位于:(查看LAVC校园地图)
    • 书院南道
    • 书院北路
    • 埃塞尔大道
    • 校园大道在校园中心后面
    • 地段A(指定“员工”停车位)
    • D地段(指定“员工”停车位)
    • F地段(指定“员工”停车位)
    • 停车场(一楼指定“员工”停车位)
  • 请阅读 一般停车指引 有关停车限制及规则的资料.

  • 访客可将车停在任何学生停车位(停车场A), B, D, E, F, 和G)和停车场大楼的第2 -4层 每日停车许可证.

  • 请阅读 每日停车许可证资料 如何购买每日许可证. 购买停车许可证并不能保证有停车位, 只有在适当的地段停车的机会,如果空间可用.

  • 请参阅 一般停车指引 有关停车限制及规则的资料.

  • There is LIMITED free parking available on city streets that surround the 皇冠官网网站 campus: Burbank Blvd, 富尔顿大道, 和哈特拉斯街.
  • 校园周围的许多街道可能会限制停车. Please read all street sign before leaving your vehicle for any specific parking restrictions. Los Angeles Valley College is not responsible for any parking citations you receive on city streets.

  • Electronic vehicle charging stations are located in the LAVC 停车场 on the corner of 埃塞尔大道 和哈特拉斯街. (查看LAVC校园地图)

  • Electronic vehicle charging is available for a $5 daily us年龄 fee, plus the parking permit fee. 使用校园内电子充电站的收费如下:

    • The electronic vehicle charging rate for guests and students without a parking permit is $7 per day.

    • The electronic vehicle charging rate for students and employees with a valid parking permit is $5 per day.

  • Vehicles using charging stations must display a valid electronic vehicle charging permit on the dashboard.


  • 公交交通可通过地铁公交线路到达校园, and is connected to Metro Rail (via the Red Line at the North Hollywood Station) by the Metro Orange Line, 哪一站在山谷大学站. DASH和通勤快车也服务于Van Nuys/Studio City地区.

    • 查询地铁154线的时刻表, 156, 167, 656, 橙线和红线, check the Metro Guide for Los Angeles Valley College webp年龄 or call (323) GO-METRO.

    • For schedules for the DASH Van Nuys/Studio City line and Commuter Express 549, check the L.A. 交通部网页 在1 - 800 - 2 - la -骑.


  • 请出示好你的停车许可证, 显而易见, 要么挂在后视镜上,要么挂在仪表板的左侧. 未能正确展示您的许可证将导致停车传票.

  • 所有车辆必须驶进明确指定的停车位. 车辆不得倒车至档位. (违反21113年.(a) C.V.C.)

  • No student parking is allowed in any of the 教师/staff parking areas at any time.

  • 任何车辆不得在校园内停放过夜(晚上11时至早上6时). All vehicles left overnight will be subject to it being towed at the owners expense. (违反21113 (a) C.V.C.)


  • 所有大学道路和停车场的限速是 每小时八英里.

  • Violators of any traffic or parking regulations are subject to citations and fines.

  • 请遵守校园限速,因为安全是我们最关心的. 记住,行人有先行权!


PROTECT YOURSELF - You can take the following actions to protect yourself and your property:

  1. 一定要锁好你的车.
  2. Do not leave valuable items in plain sight in your vehicle (this creates temptation for criminals).
  3. 给你的贵重物品(汽车音响、手机、随身听等)记上序列号.). 这些信息被记录在“自动物业系统”(APS)中。, which is statewide information available to all law enforcement 年龄ncies if they should contact an individual with your property.
  4. Do not leave your textbooks or personal items in a classroom unattended (if you go to the restroom, 和老师谈谈, 等.). 当你回来的时候,他们可能已经不在了. 把你的名字写在你所有的物品上.
  5. 当你穿过校园或停车场时,要注意周围的环境. 如果你有理由担心自己的安全, 联系学校治安官办公室,我们会帮助你.


刻度盘 2911 从任何校园电话打到警局.

